Refund Policy

Refund Policy

  • Refund process follows a procedure. The product returned will be inspected and further analyzed if it can be refunded or not. On Average it will take 2 working days from the time we will receive returned product.
  • A customer will be informed via email or on phone that inspection of the product is completed.
  • You can reach us through email: [email protected] or phone: 03338280404 to know if product is valid to be refunded or not. If product is valid to be refunded then only the procedure will begin.
  • If the product does not validate to be refunded then you will receive a call from our customer service team to explain that why this product particularly cannot be refunded and they will guide you through.
  • Note that we will make several attempts to return the product to you. However, passed 2 return attempts, we will cancel the return procedure and we will keep the product with us for a maximum of 60 days.
  • Refunded amount will be same as paid by customer, irrespective of sales and promotion price variations, delivery/pick-up charges will be borne by the customer in case of refund. For example, if on sale one item is for PKR 1000 which is originally for PKR 1500, then only PKR 1000 will be refunded less delivery/pick-up charges (if any).

Conditions Applied:

  • The product can be refunded if it remains undamaged and unopened.
  • Refund must be placed within a time period of 5 days of purchase.
  • Amount will be refunded within a time period mentioned below, till then our customer service department will verify order information.


1. How long does it take to refund?

Ans: It will take 10 working days to refund.

2. How do I know if my product can be refunded or not?

Ans: You can reach us through email: [email protected] or phone: 03338280404 to know if product is valid to be refunded or not. If product is valid to be refunded then only the procedure will begin.

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